Our Network
Did you know the performance, availability and success of your web site
largely depends on your provider's expertise, and network infrastructure?
At Server101, no expense has been spared in our quest to providing the
best service possible. Our operation is built with our customers requirements
in mind, with maximum redundancy, reliability and speed.
Our servers are strategically located on a major Internet backbone in the
heart of Silicon Valley. Our servers are literally located only a few milliseconds
away from Google for example so your visitors can expect the same reliable performance
from your Server101 hosted web site. The network has multiple fiber optic gigabit connections
and directly peers with major networks. With multiple connections, battery backup
and emergency generator power, a climate controlled environment, and 24 hour,
365 day monitoring, we can guarantee your website will run optimally.
By far the most important feature on our network is the fact that we have two
of every piece of equipment. Our Cisco routers, load balancers and firewalls
are configured as redundant pairs. This means if one item was to fail its twin would
automatically and seamlessly take over.
The diagram below shows how incoming data first enters our network via our multi-peered
and BGP configured redundant routers. From there it is analyzed and filtered by our
Cisco PIX firewalls before our load balancers direct web requests to the most responsive
servers on the server farm for serving.
1. Multiple connections to the Internet.
2. Our routers tell the incoming & outgoing information where to go. In the event of bad external network congestion they can redirect the flow to another route.
3. Redundant firewalls protect the internal network by analyzing and filtering incoming requests & detecting possible attacks.
4. Our redundant load balancers ensure your data is distributed efficiently by rerouting the request to the next available web server in the cluster.
5. Our cluster of redundant web servers are evenly distributed with requests via the load balancers. Each server in the cluster is a multi-CPU system, with multi-GB memory and as the distributed load across the servers becomes higher we simply add more servers as needed.
6. These streamlined file servers pass the data from the disk arrays straight to the web servers for dispatch.
7. Finally, your data is stored on our fully redundant SCSI Raid 5 arrays, which are frequently backed up.
Server101's secret for optimal web hosting reliability and performance is attributed to our extensive experience in fine tuning and monitoring our servers. In effect our shared hosting customers get the benefits associated with the best of complex hosting operations for a low hosting fee.
We take serving your website very seriously and at Server101 the reliability and integrity of your website is a standard. Not a Bonus.
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